Time 2 Train Training Services
Suitable for all ages on the Autism Spectrum, Aspergers Syndrome & Other Learning Difficulties

8 week programs
Suitable for all ages.
Develop a basic healthy understanding of skills for improved balance, co-ordination, confidence and overall functioning.
12 week programs
Suitable for all ages.
Highly recommended integration package developing basic to advanced motor movements, increased confidence, emotional management and wellbeing.
Online Training
8 or 12 week programs
Suitable for all ages.
Virtual training to support key development in motor skill, social emotional skills and further strategies to support loved ones on the spectrum including parents.

What the Experts Say!
What the research says!
Exercise Intervention
Research demonstrates that exercise interventions led to a 37% improvement in symptoms of ASD specifically behavioural and academic improvement.
A study published in 2018 looking at the effect on exercise on children with ASD found that those exposed to the exercise intervention twice a week for 48 weeks showed an important decrease in their Autism-related symptoms. The benefits were particularly pronounced in reductions in stereotypical behavioral pattern and improvements in verbal and nonverbal social communication skill.
The same study also reported that parent perceptions of their child's quality of life increased significantly in comparison to the control group. Exercise intervention can vary dependent on the severity of ASD.
Toscano, C, Carvalho, H, & Ferreiram J 2018, 'Exercise Effects for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Metabolic Health, Autistic Traits, and Quality of Life', Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol.125, pp,126-146
Other Services
Here at Time 2 Train, we also offer families other holistic, therapeutic approaches to support your loved one on the Autism Spectrum. Proudly supported by Time 2 Train!
Time 2 Train
The Lupe Program
Time 2 Ride
Car Therapy Program
Time 2 Train
Hang Out Time Program

The Lupe Program (Learn Understand Practice Experience) is for students aged 10 yrs , young teen adolescents to adults on the Autism Spectrum ( Aspergers Syndrome ). The LUPE Program aims to build necessary independent essential life skills, for people with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome to enable easy, successful transition into our wider community

Our purpose is to create a positive, emersed experience for all ages on the spectrum through our lovely transport vehicles, enhancing the individuals capacity to develop strategies to cope with alleviating frustrations, challenging behaviours and anxiety through our comfortable rides.

Teens who may be struggling socially, emotionally to connect with parents or other peers, behaving differently in other ways, feeling lonely, lacking in friends and missing shared interests to exploring new, fun and different experiences. Hang Out Time is the program to support nurturing relationships to positive healthy change in health, wellbeing.